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relax and RESET to calm balance

5 movements for unwinding
and the restoration of postural symmetry
This series is an essential part of your self-care program.  By rotating through this DUSK series, you will have the opportunity to reverse the effects of poor postural habits back to baseline.  The objective is to rediscover your own midline function - and so provide the foundation for postural symmetry, stability and hopefully an activation of your body's own self-healing capacity.  You may come to discover that the DUSK and EXTRA series are the most important: because by relaxing deeply and slowing down, you get that much closer to your Health within
+ body scan and contemplation
The body scan is a simple guided relaxation that brings awareness to body structure.  Centering around the edges is a contemplation that brings awareness to body function.  
Cat cow half-moon
Pelvic clock
Hand over hand
Knee rolling with head
Pushing heal to hand
Body scan
Contemplation intro
Centering around the edges

What is a Central Stillness?

(and how to find it)

The simplest answer to this question is this: "you don't find a Central Stillness, it finds you".



What you seeking you 

~ Rumi



The rational thinking mind lives inside a minuscule universe - compared to the rest of everything else that exists.  In general one can say that life stresses are magnified by the human rational mind (or ego's) desire for control, when life mostly has its own plans for us.


The human body is inseparably linked to the world around us: a deep instinctive connection and aspect of our nature that is millions of years old.  When the human mind gets out of the way, human beings are deeply intuitive and feel a sense of wonderment in the unity of the greater "mind" at work within nature.  


When a human body begins to function as an integrated whole, this deeper capacity naturally comes closer to the surface - and the rational mind is able to then be still and quiet.   Meditation is simply the state of being closer to one's natural state than a busy mind can be - and so in reality takes no effort at all.   This is very much a universal principle...



You don't surrender, you are surrendered

~ Zen Buddhist meditation teacher



Of course one of the natural frustrations of meditation, it "trying really hard" to relax - just another one of the mind's many tricks to remain in control of a future outcome. 


What is a Central Stillness?  It is a mystery that awakens when least expected - when the human mind isn't watching.  It is from this place of Stillness that a doorway to our greatest potential resides - yet this door doesn't open from our side.  A central stillness brings a sense of a central midline: around which the human body orients itself for stability, co-ordination and a meaningful self-healing process.



Be Still and Know

~ Dr. William Sutherland (Osteopath)



How does a Central Stillness awaken?   When the human body's structure and function come into meaningful orbit, a memory of one's original state and greatest inner capacity begins to emerge.


How does Posture Friend help?  Being integrated in whole body awareness and therefore truly relaxing is an important step in the right direction. Posture Friend provides integrated support throughout the entire spinal column - so that it feels like the support itself disappears.  Finally a sense of ease in breathing, so that the Breathe of Life can re-orient our own individual breathing - and so synchronise us with the larger world that surrounds and supports us.  This is the beginnings of meditation.

Freedom to breathe

When people are stressed, the first thing that happens is their breathing tightens up and it becomes shallow.  Freedom and ease in breathing allows the opposite to occur, a deeper natural relaxation.


When lying on a comfortable surface on the ground, Posture Friend offers a very rare opportunity for the body to lie downhill and relax through the thoracic spine, an opening of the chest that can be further accentuated with arms outstretched where comfortable.  The Posture Friend is also designed to provide a feeling of floating softness along the rib angles, and deeper firmness of support along the spine.  A sense of expansion, freedom and ease in the ribs (and therefore breathing) is an essential component to successful meditation - the mind will find difficulty returning to the breath, if it only ever proves to be hard work and with no reward.


You can use a Posture Friend upon a bed, on a carpeted floor, sitting in a comfortable high-back chair or for advanced practitioners: leaning against a wall.  Only if it is uncomfortable without, it is best not to use a pillow behind the head.  

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