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Prevention is better than cure

Book an Osteopathic appointment

* For Margaret River, book under "Biodynamic Osteopathy"

Fern Plant



Do you answer YES to these 4 questions? 

  1. Could your car seat benefit from some extra lumbar support?

  2. Do you have an unhealthy slump when sitting for long periods?

  3. Would you like to know how to prevent future stress & physical injury?

  4. Would you like to get maximum benefit from your treatments and exercise?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you will want to learn about Posture Friend's wholistic sitting solutions.  Designed by an Osteopath to support your entire body!

Posture Friend is a unique ergonomic cushion, designed by an Osteopath - and supported by a FREE Wholistic Therapeutic Movement & Relaxation Program 

"The aim of Osteopathic Medicine is to help people find health and a self-healing capacity: so that degenerative disease, pain and disability become less likely in the future.  By using a Posture Friend ergonomic seat-back cushion, and spending a few minutes each day using the included therapeutic movement program; you can prevent health problems from arising at their source.  This program can also help manage stress and/or painful musculoskeletal symptoms that may occur throughout life.  When the human body functions as a relaxed, integrated and cohesive whole; it naturally has a greater self-healing capacity."

If you would like a Posture Friend Ergonomic Cushion for your car seat; chair at home or work - click the button below

For the cost of just over a single Osteopathic treatment, you get 700+ days* of professional preventative healthcare

* Based upon the conservative estimate of Posture Friend's computer shaped foam core retaining its supportive bounce for a minimum of 2-3 years of daily use. 

Movement Program

Even the smallest individual part of our human body has a reason to exist, and so plays its own essential role in keeping our body alive and well.  When all individual parts are in alignment, and functioning as a cohesive & integrated whole; the body is able to supply life sustaining support and nutrition to each and every part.  Any localised disruption in these supporting inter-relationships become the origin of future pain and degenerative disease.  This program (along with the Posture Friend ergonomic cushion) are designed to disrupt the unnatural effects of sitting for long periods, integrate whole-body structure & function and improve nature's own self-healing capacity.   

Dr. David Bennett (Osteopath)

Biodynamic Osteopathy

This clinic uses the treatment called Biodynamic Osteopathy, a method that finds and facilitates the human body's own self-healing capacity at work - no massage, stretching or spinal manipulation is used.  For preconception care, pregnancy, babies and family inter-generational health. Wholistic healthcare for adults.  For complex trauma history. Seeking the origins of painful symptoms - whether they be physical, emotional or spiritual. Preventative healthcare - preparing your body for life. Head, jaw, neck, thoracic, lumbar, pelvic, arms and legs symptoms. Mood, stress, breathing, circulation, digestive and reproductive health etc.

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​Hi, my name is David and I've been in Osteopathic practice since 1998. When expressing nature's Health and self-healing capacity, the human body combines mechanical stability with dynamic ever-changing motion. To be stable and fluid at the same time, requires significant amount of inner organisation. Each human being comes into life with a blueprint, or embryo of perfect potential - and our physical body uses this resource throughout life as a dynamic point of reference for growth, development, co-ordination and self-healing. For many people, this memory of Health gets covered over or forgotten – with ongoing stress, body rigidity and pain being the result.  This indwelling Health is at the heart of Biodynamic Osteopathy – a mystery and therapeutic resource that brings us closer to our originally intended self. Dr. Andrew Still (surgeon and founder of Osteopathy) wrote “To find health should be the objective of the doctor. Anyone can find disease”.

Healing Tree Osteopathy

Healing Tree Osteopathy

Osteopathic Medicine originated almost 150 years ago in the United States.  American Osteopathic Physicians are registered medical doctors and receive university training with internship, and the option of specialist training within Osteopathic hospitals.  Osteopath's utilise their understanding of body structure and function, and the application of manual therapy to improve the expression of health and self-healing capacity of the human body.  Australian Osteopaths have 5 years of university training, and work in private practice - and unlike their American cousins, do not prescribe drug therapy or perform surgery.  The Australian Osteopathic profession remains committed to Osteopathy's original foundations of manual medicine; of treating the human body as an integrated whole, and seeking people's greatest potential through preventative healthcare.

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Your appointment
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NEW PATIENTS please arrive 10 minutes early for paperwork.

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​If your appointment is for your BABY, please be sure to bring either your partner, grandma or a helper along with you.  Through treating mum, one very often achieves more significant change for baby - and this works best when mum is able to deeply relax.

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To CANCEL an appointment, please select the link in your original confirmation email. Please note that at least 24 hours notice is required - a cancellation fee of $80 will apply if your appointment time cannot be filled.

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EPTPOS payment facilities are available. You will be given a receipt to claim with your health fund. This clinic does NOT offer Medicare Enhanced Primary Care Plans.

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